Medical Educational Software
Electrocardiography Part I - Cardiac Electrophysiology & The Electrocardiogram

Our software requires a Windows operating system and run from a hard drive or network drive.

Cardiac Electrophysiology:
  • The Cardiac Conduction System - Detailed description of the properties and tissues of the cardiac conduction system (sinoatrial (SA) node, internodal tracts and Bachmann's bundle, atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, and the Purkinje fibers). Through graphics and computerized animation, the user is shown how the tissues of the cardiac conduction system initiate atrial and ventricular depolarization and repolarization.
  • Correlation Between The ECG Waveform and The Cardiac Cycle - Describes the electrical activity of the heart as the waveforms are inscribed on an ECG tracing. Through graphics and computerized animation, the user is shown how the heart's electrical activity inscribes certain characteristic waveforms on an ECG tracing.
  • The Cardiac Conduction System: At The Cellular Level - Details the membrane potential, resting potential, the five phases (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of the action potential, and the refractory period of the cardiac cycle. Through graphics and computerized animation, the user is shown how the five phases of the action potential correlate with atrial and ventricular depolarization and repolarization.
The Electrocardiogram:
  • ECG Electrodes and Leads - Describes the correct placement for each of the electrodes in the 12-lead ECG and the characteristic waveforms produced by each lead. Also details the three-electrode monitoring system and gives examples for modified three-electrode Lead II and MCL6 monitoring. Through graphics and computerized animation, the user is shown why the shape of the waveform in a certain lead is either positive (above baseline) or negative (below baseline).
  • Specifics of the ECG Graph Paper - Details the vertical and horizontal squares found on the ECG graph paper as well as the various methods utilized to calculate heart rate from an ECG tracing. Examples of various ECG strips are given and the user is asked to input the correct heart rate.
  • Analysis of the ECG Waveform - Describes the various waveforms inscribed on an ECG tracing; their origination, normal configuration, and duration.
  • The QRS Axis - Details the hexaxial wheel and describes how to evaluate the QRS axis. The user is shown how to calculate the QRS axis and determine whether it is Normal, Right Axis Deviated, Left Axis Deviated, or if it is an Indeterminate Axis.
Comprehensive Review Quiz: The Comprehensive Review Quiz contains a test bank of 100 test questions obtained from all sections of Electrocardiography - Part I. The test questions are generated in a randomized fashion and feedback is given for correct choices as well as incorrect choices. The user has the option of printing a score report after completing the quiz.

Software Title:
The Medical Educational Software (MES) Administrator
Arterial Blood Gases Part I: Blood Gas Sampling & Interpretation
Arterial Blood Gases Part II: Clinical Application of Blood Gases
Electrocardiography Part I: Cardiac Electrophysiology & The Electrocardiogram
Electrocardiography Part II: Basic Arrhythmia Recognition
Electrocardiography Part III: Advanced Arrhythmia Recognition
Hemodynamic Monitoring Part I: Waveform Recognition
Hemodynamic Monitoring Part II: Clinical Application
Hemodynamic Monitoring Part III: Continuous SvO2 Monitoring
Chest Tubes & Chest Drainage Systems
Fluid, Electrolyte, & Acid-Base Balance
The Complete Chest Examination

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All software is copyright and protected under U.S. Copyright Law. Text, graphics, animations, audio, and video content of each software program may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without specific permission in writing from C&S Solutions.